

由彰化師範大學生物學系林宗岐教授所帶領的蟻害防治技術團隊,衍生形成「安特爾科技防治股份有限公司」,歷經多年以來的實務調查與藥劑測試,我們累積了許多對於蟻害管理的經驗,因熟悉螞蟻的習性、偏好,使我們能夠提供給客戶更為有效且彈性的方案,也正因為我們能針對蟻害的關鍵之處進行防治,使我們能以更科學、更有效、更友善並兼具害蟲綜合管理 (Integrated pest management, IPM) 基礎之螞蟻防治專業能力,協助台灣的政府與民眾擺脫長期以來有害螞蟻之威脅。

Company Profile

The pest ants control team is led by Professor Chung-Chi Lin. We have many years of experience solving pest ant problems, coupled with profound knowledge of ant biology and behavior, we can solve pest ant problems effectively through multiple approaches. We have applied more scientific and more environmentally friendly approaches to assist people to get rid of harmful threats of pest ants.

服務時間:週一至週五早上 8 點至晚上 6 點

電話號碼:+886-4 723 2105 #5775


Facebook:安特爾 A.nT

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